Loch Assynt and Ardvreck Castle
Location: Loch Assynt and Ardvreck Castle, Inchnadamph, Sutherland, Scotland
Explorer: Emma Ross – @em_ross__
Board Used: Waterwalker 126
Date Logged: Oct 24, 2021
Website: https://www.tripadvisor.com/…
SUP Explorer – The Best Places to Stand Up Paddle Board
For those not familiar with the location, Assynt is a stunning area of the Scottish Highlands with dramatic Mountains, lochs and lochans. There is a rich history dating back to the 1600s when Clan Macleod built Ardvreck Castle then a later contribution of Calda House by Clan Mackenzie.
Nowadays the area is known for its Geopark due to the fascinating landscape and also a popular tourist spot on the northcoast 500 (NC500) route. Remains of Ardvreck Castle and Calda House are seen just by the loch.
First paddle- I parked in a lay-by next to the loch and paddled up and round the peninsula where the castle sits before doubling back past Calda House. It was sitting just above freezing so I had full winter gear on and a flask of tea waiting when I came off the water.
I packed the board away and drove up to the far end of the loch towards Lochinver where some ancient pine trees grow in islands and I parked in another layby. I couldn’t turn down another paddle round these islands with the loch like a mirror.
I’ve never had a day like it and just shows some of the best paddles are not in summer.
Still got energy? Ben More Assynt and Conival are great climbs if you’ve got the experience, gear, weather and day light on your side.
SUP Explorer Photos from Loch Assynt and Ardvreck Castle
SUP Explorer Tips For Your Visit to Loch Assynt and Ardvreck Castle
- This is quite remote so take all your gear with you
- Midgie spray in the summertime!
- Park sensibly at busy times and respect the environment
- Check the weather- you can get 4 seasons in a day in the Highlands
- Support local- head to Lochinver, Ullapool, Elphin or Lairg after the paddle for something to eat and have an explore round some of the local shops

Stunning photos – looks idyllic :-)